Role of AI in Modern Digital Marketing Agencies

The Role of AI in Modern Digital Marketing Agencies

Your life is AI-assisted, and your marketing will be too.” ~ Paul Rotzer (Founder and CEO, Marketing AI Institute)

The role of AI in modern Digital Marketing agencies has no doubt revolutionized almost all aspects of the digital world, not only because it is fast, but also because it performs the hard and stereotypic tasks for businesses that required additional staff in the past.

The days are gone when panaflex-banner driven marketing campaigns would be invested in. 

Since the culture of digitization has gained global acceptance, customers and users spend most of their time socializing on digital apps. Businesses unaware of this reality, defying the importance of digital marketing for the welfare of their brand are doomed! And so are those who deny integrating AI in digital marketing. 

According to Banglore’s survey based research, customers favor those websites that generate rapid responses and make them feel connected, which drives business owners and digital marketers to incorporate AI-powered tools in their digital handles to automate responses for the online customer, making their online presence count. 

The truth is all big and small businesses are more likely to generate leads with digital advertisements which provide one-click service that might be hard to achieve with human-based customer service. 

In this scenario, marketing agencies are accepting and employing AI powered tools for marketing brands and businesses. The trend seems to gain popularity in the near future among DMA’s and businesses employing them.

A flashback in past with no AI

no ai

It’s like asking how people went to work before the advent of vehicles? Definitely on foot!

And the day a guy thought of reducing the footwork to pressing brakes and accelerator, making commuting for work less perspiring, quick, and efficient. However, it did take some investment on fuel and transport. 

Similarly, before a genius thought of AI, conducting a research about the market consumed a lot of paper and temper! 

The marketing agencies depended on their insights and visual analysis of the data gathered by hunching activities of businesses, inferring their marketing strategies by the advertisements, and laying out a well-planned market strategy to outrun a company. 

Humans were the all-doer of:

  • Market research
  • Competitor analysis 
  • Planning a competitive campaign strategy
  • Advertising 
  • Content Creating 
  • Forecasting the outcomes of the campaign 

Finally, by the mid 20th Century, AI was introduced as a robotic teammate for many professions. Its efficiency over-whelmed programmers to train it on a vast variety of data to employ it for at least half of the marketing roles humans took a lot of time to complete. 

Progress made in this regard needs no justification!

Today we have multiple AI tools operating humanly-programmed algorithms, working as efficiently as humans. 

AI ~ Lifesaver for digital marketers!

Lifesaver for digital marketers

Marketing has always been the core task for all businesses. They really want their audience to reach out to them fast, watch their business flourish beating all the odds!

Before AI, competitors spent days and nights trying to outrun each other in the market, struggled with lead-generation, and sales, trying to decode the marketing plan of the cutting edge business progress and copying them.

Finally, human intelligence ended up putting an end to the misery of work-from-scratch each time they launched a brand campaign by setting up Artificial Intelligence, AI for short!

Digital marketing made efficient with AI

  • Efficient Content Analysis, Creation, And Optimization By AI

SEO is dearest to all content creators, none can deny, isn’t it? It’s all about getting on the top of the search engine results, with nothing but words crafted in the best design for the search engine to scoop it out on top of SERP for the reader. There are handy of Ai tools out there like Surfer, SEMrush, Ubersuggest, Neuron are my favorite so far helping in automating the content strategy and SEO plans.

It helps in winning this word game by laying out content strategies for businesses based on analytics derived from market competitors. So, we don’t have to invest in outlining the copies, creating the strategy plan and all that.

ai writing content

Beyond the keywords used in a blogpost or website content, other business features needing optimization are product campaigns, website backlinks, competitor website research, SEO ranking strategies, etc. 

SEMRush and SE Ranking, two competitive SEO Softwares make the task of digital marketers easier by giving them SEO based insights on the websites they work on, laying out product launching plans, optimizing advertisements, providing daily insights on the digital disposition of a business. In short, we need to switch less tabs analyzing competitors’ websites and get the optimized results all in one place with a click. 

  • Achieving Digital Personalization With Ai

Having trained to generate personalised content such as Ads. for a marketing campaign based on the custom data, AI has outrunned manual ad-generating agencies. 

In addition to it, knowing that running digital advertisements, tracking their progress, especially calculating how much revenue they have helped a business generate, are some concerns digital marketers have. AI tools such as Revealbot and are trained on these aspects of advertisements. These AI tools can track the performance of ads on social media platforms of a business, tracing the cost effectiveness of advertisements and notifying when a certain goal is achieved with an ad-fueled campaign.

These data-driven AI tools create ads based on the ad-campaign data fed in its algorithm, customizing the ads with unique brand or business layout. Digital marketers can leverage social media campaigns by using its built-in AI Social Media Marketing tool more than they could sans AI.

  • Managing Large Data Of Digital Businesses

Large Data Of Digital Businesses

Marketing agencies managing content and services for varying businesses, might end up in a wired mesh of unassembled business data if not assembled in the right manner. AI has got our back here too! 

Tools such as help digital marketers save time and space on handling content of varying businesses, smartly! This tool provides templates for all types of company demands such as product launching, meeting plans, content creation, customer surveys, and much more so the agencies don’t have to waste time creating documents over and over. 

How AI makes digital marketing campaigns fast?

How would you feel if you entered a shop and a Bot lays out all the stuff that you plan to buy just by looking at you. You would be shocked and at the same time glad that your presence was enough to get the task done, isn’t it?

The Bot definitely observed you do it weekly or so, learned the objects you usually purchase, and now  is trained to do it every time you enter the shop. 

That’s what AI is doing for digital marketers and DMAs in their campaigns.

We humans have trained AI tools with desired algorithms and custom data to perform the tasks routine for us in campaign launching and marketing such as dealing with the customers, creating compelling content, advertising our services, etc. By doing so, it cuts down stress throughout the process of marketing campaigns. 


ai chatbot

AI Automated chat, the bosom buddy of digital marketers plays human with the customers and visitors on the digital and social platforms by engaging them. You must have seen a ChatBot pop-up on the bottom right or left of your screen introducing itself as a bot at your service. This is the AI automated response generator, that has a set of responses programmed in it to produce them appropriately in response to the customers’ queries, as humanly as possible. Businesses can personalize the chat according to their unique set of data by using tools such as Botsonic and create a chatbot optimized for their business. 


AI tools programmed with data of multiple ideas and content by humans facilitates production of similar and repetitive campaign content, a game of few clicks, such as Ubersuggest AI. 

However, beyond the keywords used in a blogpost or website content, other business features that need to be optimized are product campaigns, website backlinks, competitor website research, SEO ranking strategies, etc. 

Here the content optimization tools such as SEMRush and SE Ranking jump in. They help the digital marketers know which set of words is ranking on top of the SERP, in other words, what the customers are looking for out there?

By doing so it is made sure that we are providing and investing on what our audience is looking for rather than wasting time and money.


We definitely can’t sit with our fingers crossed, waiting for customers to find our website magically.  We have to make sure our digital presence is sufficient enough to get our website hits and views. 

For this purpose, AI tools such as UpContent and can help us reach out to the audience by displaying our website, services, and products in their recommendation feed, increasing the likelihood of increasing traffic to our websites and getting potential customers.

Personalized websites and advertisements

The top demand each business presents to DMAs is generating leads digitally, engaging the visitors and potential customers on their online platforms. GoHigh Levels and Vendasta are two such AI tools designed to perform these tasks for all digital businesses.

For all small agencies, GoHigh Levels can be employed for designing a website from scratch, automating leads, integrating social media handles, and customer relationship management.

Vendasta, on the contrary, is for large scale agencies with similar sets of services.

Apart from recommendation, AI also generates personalized advertisements, brandishing the services of a brand or business, or a product launch. That advertisement can be published on social media handles of a business and all web handles where there is a probability of getting customers. Tools such and RevealBot are at disposal with their advertising services.

AI driven digital marketing – The Website Worker integrating AI

Website Worker integrating AI

Efficiency and efficacy of AI is self-evident. With a lot of AI tools and software’s making digital marketing easier, there is a high probability of the businesses to continue employing these tools for digital marketing. Their promising results are gaining them customers and trust of digital markets, DMAs, and all big and small businesses competing in the digital market.

DMAs are being evolved into AI Digital Marketing Agencies with every second! The trust AI driven marketing agencies are gaining demonstrates how wise it is to employ an AI backed DMA for the purpose of one’s business campaign or optimization.

Website developers working with their human intelligence solely, might find themselves lagging in the technical world. Incorporating AI is a necessity, not an option for all developers out there!

Integrating AI Website Worker in their marketing business reveals that they are serving businesses better in their marketing campaigns and have made them the preferred one over other service providers in the market.

Our marketing business has sky-rocketed since it synced with AI, all because with AI we can analyze, predict, and market in an innovative manner with unmatchable efficiency!

The point this discovery adds value to is integrating AI to the old digital marketing services. In short, Digital marketing agencies would be soon outrun by AI DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCIES.


Although the badge of success hides the dark aspects of integrating AI in marketing both for the customer and the producer, but the downsides of AI might out-weight its usefulness in the coming time. 

Customers might feel stalked by AI tools used by a website even when they exit it. Their digital activity might be tracked and used without their consent by optimizing recommendations. 

Similarly, data and strategies unique to businesses can be incorporated in the logarithm of the AI tool, making it available for other users of that tool. This makes unique ideas of the human brain vulnerable to the digital world flooded with AI. 

Future with AI would be fast, accurate, near to perfect, but with uncertainty about how users’ and customers’ data is used. This downside aspect of AI Digital Marketing can bring down its graph as a Digital Marketing Tool, despite its efficiency.

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